사설온라인카지노사이트 에서 어떠한 이유로 절대 1-2-3-4-5-6을 하지 말아야 하는지에 대한 캐치알로또의 견해
얼마 전 영국 국립 복권 관리사인 카멜롯은 가장 일반적으로 연주되는 조합을 발매하곤 했다.
놀랍게도, 1-2-3-4-5-6 조합은 많은 사람들이 각 로또 추첨에 참가했다는 점에서 그들 중 하나이다. 그리고 많은 사람들이 의미하는 것은 수천이야!!!
검증 비트코인홀짝 게임사이트 비트윌리 꽁머니지급! 수량 얼마 안남음! 지금바로! (클릭)
내가 정확히 기억한다면, 어느 단계에서는 이 조합을 포함한 로또 추첨을 위해 약 1만 장의 표를 구입했다.
이것은 왜 그런 결합을 페스트처럼 피해야 하는가를 1번으로 생각하게 한다.
왜 사설온라인카지노사이트 에서 절대 1-2-3-4-5-6을 하지 말아야 하는지에 대한 캐치알로또의 견해
Catchalottoís view on why you should never play 1-2-3-4-5-6 in Lotto
A while ago Camelot, the UK National Lottery Official Operator, used to release combinations that were played most commonly. Unsurprisingly, combination 1-2-3-4-5-6 was one of them in that it was entered into each Lotto Draw by many people.
And by many I mean thousands!!! If I recall correctly, at some stage there were about 10,000 tickets purchased for each Lotto draw containing this combination. This brings me to the reason number 1 why such combination should be avoided like the plague.

There are so many tickets being bought containing combination 1-2-3-4-5-6
The jackpot payout would be very low indeed should this combination win!
Letís say you play 1-2-3-4-5-6 and it does win (yippee!). Letís say you are in to share an average £3,000,000 jackpot with 10,000 other jackpot winners. This would mean that your share of winnings would be a miserable £300!
Yeah, okay, still good money, beats the tenner that you get for guessing 3 numbers, but definitely this is not the money you have in mind when you dream about winning the jackpot, right?! 사설온라인카지노사이트
There are many reasons why so many of us play this combination
There are many reasons why so many of us play this combination. Itís easy to rememberÖ Itís easy to mark on a lottery ticketÖ Some are lazy/short of time to pick out a good non-biased non-ordered combinationÖStatistically combination 1-2-3-4-5-6 has the same chances of being drawn (1 in 13,983,816),
so why not play itÖ Some people play the same combination every time, so it could be that they played this combination for a while and do not want to give it up now in case if it does come upÖ Camelot no longer announces combinations that are played most commonly,
so many are simply unaware how many people they will have to share their jackpot with should this combination be drawn.
Whatever the reason, itís a pound down the drain when 1-2-3-4-5-6 is played because of the above reason alone. There is however another reason why you should NOT play this combination.
As mentioned above, statistically the combination 1-2-3-4-5-6 has the same chances of being drawn, in other words you have 1 chance of winning the jackpot with this combination and 13,983,815 chances of NOT winning it. Thatís statistically.
However, if you look at vast amount of literature that is now available with regard to lottery analysis and probability laws
you would see that most authors give out a slightly different story. Most believe that the combination 1-2-3-4-5-6 is biased and is guaranteed to loose because it is far out of balance to come up in a random drawing. 사설온라인카지노사이트
Any lotto game
It is believed that the least likely combinations to be drawn are those at the tail ends of a bell curve. These are the lowest six numbers and the highest six numbers of any lotto game.
Now onto the good news. The good news is that Lottorino can help with Lotto combination selection. It incorporates many filters and checks whether a certain combination is biased or not. Lottorino consults probability laws rather than those of possibility. The idea is that whilst itís possible for any combination to be drawn, certain combinations are less probable to come up. 사설온라인카지노사이트
If you ask Lottorino to analyse 1-2-3-4-5-6
If you ask Lottorino to analyse 1-2-3-4-5-6
it would assign a low Lottorino score of 2%, meaning that this combination seems to be biased in some way and as a result assigns the probability of it being drawn as 2%. By sieving out this and many other combinations, your lotto ticket simply stands better chances of being a winning one!
Lottorino score is 50% or above (Catchalottoís recommended advisable limit). So 95% of time, the odds would have been indeed improved by Lottorino.사설온라인카지노사이트